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The European Environment Agency has analysed the solutions taken by the EEA member and cooperating countries to respond to the challenge of resource efficiency.    

Material resource efficiency is a key issue both for economy and environment. Roadmap to a resource efficient Europe published in 2011 expected decoupling economic growth from resource use. Circular Economy Package adopted in 2015 is going further and underlines the need for dropping the linear economy model for circular economy with zero waste which requires a fundamental change in production and consumption patterns. The EEA, on the basis of the survey in which 32 of the 39 EEA member and cooperating countries took part, prepared a report More from less – material resource efficiency in Europe to make an in-depth look at national approaches and policies on resource efficiency and explore similarities and differences in related policies, strategies and targets.

The report is accompanied by 32 individual country profiles – results of the survey. The profile for Poland was prepared on the basis of the information provided by the Ministry of Economy (currently the Ministry of Development and the Ministry of Energy), Ministry of Environment, Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development (currently the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction) and Central Statistical Office.  The national input was coordinated by the EEA/EIONET National Focal Point in the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection.

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