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On the European Environment Agency website initial findings of the EEA project on resource efficiency in member states were published. The project addresses one of the flagship initiatives of EU 2020 Strategy.

The results of the project that started in 2010 include:

  • Country profiles - prepared by the countries according to the EEA guidelines.
    The first set of the profiles was presented on the 24th of May during the first day of Green Week 2011 in Brussels. The work on Polish profile was coordinated by the EEA/EIONET National Focal Point in the Department of Monitoring and Environmental Information of the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection. The work involved a lot of experts from many institutions, including the Ministry of Economy, where the EIONET national reference centre for sustainable consumption and production as well as for energy are located. Polish profile is available here.
  • The summary - prepared by the EEA and European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production, presenting initial findings from the analysis.
  • Final summary report - reflecting on trends, similarities and differences in policy responses, being prepared by the EEA and ETC SCP, to be published in summer 2011
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