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Cooperation with the European Environment Agency

According to the Act on the Inspection for Environmental Protection we coordinate cooperation of Poland with the European Environment Agency (EEA). The coordination is carried out by the National Focal Point for cooperation with the EEA within EIONET (the European Environment Information and Observation Network), located in the Department of Environmental Monitoring, Assessment and Outlook at CIEP (GIOŚ). CIEP representative is also a member of the EEA Management Board.

European Environment Information and Observation Network is a partnership network of the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its member and cooperating countries. It consists of the EEA itself, European Topic Centres (ETCs) and a network of experts from national environment agencies and other bodies dealing with environmental information. These are the National Focal Points (NFPs) and the National Reference Centres (NRCs). EIONET was established in 1994 in accordance with the Council Regulation (EEC) No 1210/90 of 7 May 1990 on the establishment of the EEA.

EEA Management Board

The Management Board is the governing body of the EEA and consists of one representative of each of the member countries (currently 33), two representatives of the Commission and two scientific experts designated by the European Parliament.

Representative of Poland in the EEA Management Board:

  • Magda Gosk - Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection
  • Alternate: Anna Katarzyna Wiech - Director of the Department of Environmental Monitoring in the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection

National Focal Point for the European Environment Agency (NFP PL)

National Focal Point is in charge of cooperation at the country level, coordinates the national activities and is the main contact point for the EEA.

National Focal Point:

  • NFP PL:

    Małgorzata Bednarek

    Chief expert

    Department of Environmental Monitoring

    Phone: +4822 36 92 264

    e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • NFP PL Alternate:

    Anna Katarzyna Wiech

    Director of the Department of Environmental Monitoring

    Phone: +4822 36 92 281

    e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

National Reference Centres (NRC)

National Reference Centres are responsible for the execution of the tasks in selected thematic areas. In 2014 the Agency completed the revision of the EIONET structure, carried out together with the Member States. Presently the EIONET structure comprises 24 National Reference Centres (NRCs).

CIEP is responsible for the establishment of the national EIONET structure. National Reference Centres are appointed in agreement with the heads of appropriate organisations.

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