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We inform that Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 25 January 2022 amending the regulation on goods whose transport is subject to monitoring of road and rail freight transport and heating fuel trade, which is a revision of the implementing provisions to the Act of 9 March 2017 on the monitoring system of road and rail transport of goods, was published in the Official Journal.

The provisions of this regulation enter into force on 22 February 2022.

This means that from 22 February every import of waste to Poland and every transit of waste through Polish territory, by road or rail, must be registered in the Electronic Transport Control System (SENT) run by the National Revenue Administration (KAS). The obligation applies to all types of waste, including “green listed” waste, the import of which does not require a notification from the Chief Inspector for Environmental Protection. An exception to the obligation to register in the SENT system is the import or transit of “green listed” waste if the amount of waste shipped does not exceed 20 kg.

As a consequence of the introduced provisions the consignee and the carrier are obligated to notify of the initiation of the transport of waste, as well as notify of any updates or changes of the transport. In addition, the carrier will be required to provide geolocation data, and the driver will have a reference number and will be required to commission a tracking device.

Entities that are required to submit the notification must register on the electronic platform (PUESC) of the Ministry of Finance.

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