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On the 21st of January 2011 the SOER 2010 national launch event was held in the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection.

The report The European Environment State and Outlook 2010 prepared by the European Environment Agency together with the EIONET countries was officially launched in the European Parliament in Brussels on the 30th of November 2010. The national event in January 2011 was organised by the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection which is responsible for the cooperation of Poland with the EEA and was actively involved in the work on SOER 2010. Radio, television and publishers representatives as well as many environmental experts attended the meeting - a press conference. Experts from the EEA - Ms Dorota Jarosińska and Mr Paweł Kaźmierczyk presented the SOER 2010. Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection - Andrzej Jagusiewicz - presented the latest Polish reports: Report on the state of the Environment in Poland 2008 and National Mosaic Report. The state of the environment in the voivodeships in 2000-2007 prepared by the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection and Voivodeships Inspectorates for Environmental Protection.

More about SOER 2010


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